When I arrived home from work today, there was a rather large box for Marine Corps Kids. I can only imagine how much the new moms enjoy receiving new gifts, but I'm always delighted to receive packages for Marine Corps Kids and see all the wonderful gifts inside!
When I opened the box that arrived today, I was speechless! It was amazing how much love was squeezed into the box!!!! Here's what it looked like!
The box was so beautifully packed. You could see the love that went into each piece and the care that went into packing them for the kids! I unpacked 32 pairs of beautiful booties and 4 adorable hats! This photo shows only a some of them!!
But there was so much more. There was a second layer of beautiful handmade items!
That layer included 50 hats and 35 more pairs of Booties! These are just a few of them!
And beneath that, believe it or not, was a third layer of 79 hats!!!
Everything is so beautiful! It really takes my breath away!
There are hats and booties for newborns, for toddlers and for tiny preemies. They are all beautifully knit and crocheted in an amazing assortment of soft and wonderful yarns!
There was no note included in the box. It came from Kathryn in Corsicana, Tx. Kathryn, I don't know if you made all these wonderful pieces, or if you are part of a group of charitable crafters, but you are amazing. This package will ship to the babies on time for the holidays, and the mom's will feel so much love when they see all the beautiful gifts that have been sent.
I hope everyone who made these items will see this post and know just how much their donations are appreciated!!
I know Kathyrn, I go to Church with her! This project was my idea, and I'm glad that we go it out in time. :) I will pass the thank you on to Kathryn.
Holly from Corsicana, Tx
Thank you, Holly!!!
I knew that this package had to be made by a wonderful group of crafters! I only wish that I could thank you all by name! All of the hats and booties are amazing!!!
I'm sure that by now there are lots of tiny babies wearing what you and your friends so lovingly made!
Bless you all!!!
You are so very welcome. I'm going to take your comment and post it on our Service board at church. :)
Holly, I hope that you and all the ladies in your church group read this. If you saw in a later post here, the package of your gifts arrived on base as a unit was coming home from Iraq. The families were out waiting for their Marines to come home, and the weather was unusually cold. They actually had snow in the dessert. The package that you all sent arrived just in time to keep these families warm while they waited to greet their loved ones.
All of those families to appreciate what you all sent, and so do I. Marine Corps Kids is possible because crafters like you care and continue to send gifts to support our military families.
Thank you!
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